Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wakita and Greensburg Trip

This Wednesday and Thursday Dan Zarrow and I went up to Wakita, Oklahoma then to Greensburg, Kansas. Wakita is the town where parts of the movie Twister was filmed in. It is best know for the place where Aunt Meg lived and the tornado that demolished the small town. In the town they have opened the Twister Museum dedicated to the movie. The museum as you can see in the pictures is full of pictures, posters and various stuff.
Our second stop was to the small town of Greensburg, Kansas. May 4th 2007 this town was about 95% destroyed by a EF-5 tornado. It was a clear eye opener for how a tornado can change someones life for ever. The town seems to have a very clear plan on how it wants to rebuild. In which they want the city to be known as being Green and environmentally friendly. As you will see by the pictures they're complete streets that have nothing left than empty lots.
Click on the Link for Pictures Wakita and Greensburg Pictures

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