I do hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, I know I did being back in Indianapolis visiting friends and family. Thankfully Mother Nature released her grip from the brutal cold weather over the past week for a good portion of the US. As I mentioned about a week ago the cold weather would relax but hit with a vengeance by early January. So over the next week will be talking about the next Arctic blast and possible wintry weather. Here are some signs of the impending cold outbreak. As the Arctic Oscillation (AO) continues to go negative over the next 10days. Letting all the brutal cold air building up over the North Pole and Siberian to spill south. The cold weather will be forced south by the blocking over Greenland as the North Atlantic Oscillation continues to go negative. So some fun and games are in the cards over the next two weeks across the US. Stay Tuned and Happy New Years Everyone!! Be safe and responsible.
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